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Дніпро » Афіша
Ср, 26 лютого 2025




Starring: Kevin Spacey

104 min.

Rated: R for drug content throughout and pervasive language including some sexual references The doctor is out… What happens when the people we count on to hold us together are barely holding it together themselves? A jaded psychiatrist takes on a pro bono case that puts his professionalism to the ultimate test in director Jonas Pate's knowing exposé of the "other" Hollywood. Between sorting through the insecurities of a fading film starlet (Saffron Burrows), a struggling writer (Mark Webber), and an obsessive- compulsive talent agent (Dallas Roberts), A-list psychiatrist Henry Carter (Kevin Spacey) barely has the time to deal with his own problems. Suddenly, into the middle of Henry's malaise wanders a troubled teen who's never even set foot in the Hollywood Hills. This is Henry's first pro bono client, and considering his current state, he's not sure that now is the best time to be taking on more work. While Henry is jaded by Hollywood, his newest patient is obsessed with it. Faced with the challenge of helping a young girl through a particularly difficult time in her life, Henry does his best to remain professional despite harboring some rather serious misgivings during their first few sessions.


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