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Дніпро » Афіша
Ср, 26 лютого 2025

In the Land of Women

In the Land of Women

Comedy, Drama & Romance

Starring: Adam Brody, Meg Ryan

97 min.

Rated: PG-13 for sexual content, thematic elements & language

Get ready to fall...

For as long as he could remember, Carter Webb had been falling in love with women. And for as long as he could remember, heв€™d been searching for the right one. He found everything he was looking for in Sophia and for a little while he was happy. Unfortunately, it wasnв€™t meant to be. When Carter is dumped by Sophia in a North Hollywood coffee shop, he sees his entire life flash before his eyes.

Heartbroken and depressed, Carter escapes Los Angeles, heading across the country to suburban Michigan to care for his ailing grandmother. An eccentric and complicated personality, Grandma offers Carter a uniquely different perspective on life and especially death. Soon after his arrival, Carter stumbles into the lives of the family living directly across the street, Sarah Hardwicke, the mother of two daughters: Paige, a precocious, effervescent eleven-year-old and her older sister Lucy, an angst ridden teenager. While Sarah faces her own personal crisis, Lucy wrestles with the fears that define her. Through his relationships with these women, as well as his grandmother, Carter begins to discover that what felt like the end was really only just the beginning of his adventure.

ACE - American Conversational English. Saturdays, at 4.30 p.m. at Dom Uchionykh (House of Scientists) at 2 Kuibysheva Street, first floor. SUPER Moderator - Spencer "The Canadian". He will definitely not teach you the regular shit they teach in schools, he is gonna let you speak a foreign language. As usual, it's hard to explain - come and see for yourself! UAH15 a person.

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